Who: Luca Schenardi is a freelance illustrator who blends analogue and digital techniques to create a striking visual landscape for the contents he is engaged with.
When: Schenardi’s posters featured in the 100 Best Posters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2018. In 2017 , along with Lina Müller, he received a New York studio residency from the inner Swiss cantons. Schenardi has published two books with Edition Patrick Frey: Meyer spricht von Gratiskaffee, 2017, and An Vogelhäusern mangelt es jedoch nicht, 2012, both designed by Hi.
Where: Luca Schenardi is a visiting professor at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Luzern (HSLU), the Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB), the Staatliche Hochschule der Künste Karlsruhe (HfG) and the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon (ISBA). His illustrations have been published in Das Magazin, Das Kulturmagazin, kinki magazine, Hochparterre, NEON, NZZ, Rolling Stone magazine, Strapazin, Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine, WOZ, WWF magazine, DIE ZEIT, and Züritipp.
What: Luca Schenardi has also designed CD and LP album covers, as well as posters for cultural institutions like the Naturmuseum St.Gallen or the Theater Freiburg im Breisgau. His most recent major project is a collaboration with the Schauspielhaus Zürich. Over two seasons starting in 2017, he has been commissioned to illustrate the five journals presenting current productions. He has worked closely with the various dramaturges in order to gain a deeper understanding of each project, while preserving a strong visual line over the whole period for the Schauspielhaus.
Why: Schenardi’s wild compositions at the edge of the weird create metaphorical puzzles that every reader quickly feels compelled to solve.